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Normality in Error Term: Q-Q Plot and Jarque-Bera Test in Python Videos

Last Update: March 22, 2022

My online video tutorials are hosted at YouTube channel.

For learning this concept, you can view my online video tutorials: Normality in Error Term: Q-Q Plot and Jarque-Bera Test in Python (Spyder) and Normality in Error Term: Q-Q Plot and Jarque-Bera Test in Python (Jupyter).

Videos Code

1. Packages

import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
import scipy.stats as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

2. Data

houseprices_object = sm.datasets.get_rdataset(dataname="HousePrices",
                                              package="AER", cache=True)
houseprices =
print(houseprices.iloc[:, 0:3].head())

3. Model

mlr = smf.ols(formula="price ~ lotsize + bedrooms",

4. Normality

res = mlr.resid

Q-Q Plot

fig = sm.qqplot(data=res, line="q", dist=st.norm)
plt.title("Normal Q-Q Plot")

Jarque-Bera Test

jbtest = sms.jarque_bera(res)
print("JB:", jbtest[0], "JBpv:", jbtest[1])


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For more details on this concept, you can view my Linear Regression in Python Course.

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