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Linear Regression Tutorials

ConceptText TutorialsVideo Tutorials
Simple Linear Regression[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Multiple Linear Regression[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Linear Regression: Coefficient of Determination[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Multicollinearity: Variance Inflation Factor[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Linearity in Parameters: Ramsey RESET Test[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Omitted Variable Bias: Wald Test[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Heteroskedasticity: Breusch-Pagan and White Tests[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Normality in Error Term: Q-Q Plot and Jarque-Bera Test[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Homogeneity of Regression Slopes: Dummy Variables[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Linear Regression: Analysis of Variance ANOVA Table[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Linear Regression: Residual Standard Error[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Linear Regression: Coefficients Analysis[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Instrumental Variables: Two Stage Least Squares[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Exogeneity: Wu-Hausman and Sargan Tests[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]

Time Series Analysis Tutorials

ConceptText TutorialsVideo Tutorials
Exponential Smoothing: Brown Simple Method[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Stationarity: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
Time Series Decomposition: Classical Method[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
ARIMA Models Identification: Correlograms[Definition] [R] [Python][R] [Python]
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